Flowmeter Measurement Apparatus
Direct comparison of flow measurement using venturi, orifice, rotameter.
Comparison of pressure drop against each device.
Application of the Bernoulli’s equation for incompressible fluids.
Determination of flow coefficient of a venturi meter & an orifice plate.
Establishment of the relationship between flow and differential pressure/fluid velocity for venturi meter and orifice plate.
Primary flow measuring devices, clear plastics
Venturi meter, orifice meter, rotameter
Differential pressure measurement: Water manometer, 8 tubes
Technical Data
Throat diameter: 16mm
Inlet diameter: 26mm
Upstream diameter: 26mm
Orifice diameter: 16mm
Maximum range: 4-36 ltr/min
Required for Operation
Hydraulic bench (closed water circuit) or laboratory water connection
Scope of Delivery
1 experimental unit
1 instruction manual
1 set of hoses
1 hand pump
Category: Fluid Mechanics Products
The apparatus consists of three very important flow measuring devices which are Venturi meter, orifice meter and rotameter. All three flow meters are extensively used
in industrial sector. Flowmeter Measurement Apparatus is designed to operate together with a basic hydraulic bench or any water supply. It is to familiarize the students with typical methods of flow measurement of an incompressible fluid.
The apparatus is able to demonstrate the flow measurement comparison by using a venturi device, orifice device and rotameter (Variable Area Flowmeter). The flow comparison can be further be used to compare against the flow measurement of the hydraulics bench which can be either by gravimetric or Volumetric Method, depending on the type of hydraulics bench in use.