Audio input audio output module
Power Supply Included
Required Circuits Tested
Each Section Clearly Marked for Input and Output
Each Section Works as an Independent Unit
Can be used with Telecommunication Modules
Standalone Equipment for Audio Signal Testing
Technical Features:
Audio Input
Input Source: Microphone
Input Selector: External Tone / Microphone
Low Pass Filter: 5th Order Butterworth (3.4 KHz Cutoff)
Amplifier: Audio Amplifier with gain adjust
Audio Output
Output Source: Headphone
Output Volume: Adjustable
Output Speaker: 8 Ohm
Category: Telecommunication Technology Products
Audio Input part of this module accepts audio input signals from microphone or an external source, like a function generator. Gain of this signal can be controlled using gain control knob. Moreover a low pass filter is also provided to study the effects of noise. This signal can be used as an audio source for Digital or Analog Communication Trainers. Audio Output part is used to observe the signals received from different demodulators. Gain of the received signal can be adjusted using gain control knob. This also provides option for connection of headset.
Accessories: Manual, Microphone, Headset, 2mm patch cords