Curve Tracer
Power Supplies Included
Required Waveform Generators Included
Current Limit Option Available
Polarity Control Option Available
Technical Features:
Collector Drain Sweep Voltage:
Frequency: 100Hz (2X line frequency)
Voltage: 11 steps, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 150 and 200V; accuracy + 10%
Sweep waveform: Full wave rectified
Current Limit: With current limiter, 0.5A maximum
Step Generator:
Number of steps: 7 (eight curves display)
Current per step: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mA; accuracy + 5%
Voltage per step: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5V; accuracy + 5%
Polarity switch:
Three modes of operation – NPN (n-channel), PNP (p-channel), DIODE
External Bias: One curve display
The model IT-230 Semiconductor Curve Tracer is a high-performance test instrument. By combining the IT-230 with general-purpose scope, characteristic curves of all types of semiconductors can be accurately displayed.
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The IT-230 is used for quality control, characteristic test and parameter measurement of semiconductors, in such places as factories, laboratories and schools.
The IT-230 is designed to test the following:
Transistors: NPN, PNP, FET and MOSFET
Thyristors: SCR, TRIAC, DIAC, UJT and PUT
Diodes: rectifier, detector, saner and tunnel
Power supply: 220VAC
2 x Scope leads (BNC – banana plugs)
4 x Test leads (banana plugs – clips) Black
6 x Test leads (banana plugs – clips) Red
1 x Instruction manual
Category: Electronics Technology