Energy Losses in Pipe Apparatus


  • Measurement of the pressure loss for laminar flow.

  • Measurement of the pressure loss for turbulent flow.

  • Determination of the critical Reynolds’ number.

  • Measurements using a bank Manometer.

  • Investigate pressure losses at segment bend and bends.

  • Pressure losses at contraction and enlargement.

  • Determination of simple valve characteristics.


  • Experimental set-up for the investigation of pipe friction, for use with the Basic Hydraulics Bench or lab water connection.

  • Bends expansion and contraction, elbows and gate valve with manometer bank on Bakelite base on aluminum structure frame.

  • Manometer bank for measuring pressure drop in fitting, elbows, bend etc. made easily and measuring individually.

Technical Data

Pipe diameter: 17mm (inner)
Outer Diameter: 21mm
Enlargement pipe diameter: 26mm (inner)
Outer Diameter: 32mm
Contraction diameter: 17mm
45o elbow, 90o elbow
Sharp bend, Small bend
Contraction and enlargement
12 tube manometer bank

Measuring range
Water Tube Manometer – up to 12 tubes
Multi-tube 300mm of WC

Pressure Gauge
Gauge 2pc

Required for Operation
Hydraulic bench (closed water circuit) or laboratory
water connection

Scope of Delivery
1 experimental unit
1 instruction manual
1 set of hose piping
1 stopwatch

The experimental set-up can be used on its own or with the Hydraulic bench. A supply of water is all that is required for operation. The unit is suitable for measuring pipe friction losses for laminar and turbulent flows. The experimental set-up is clearly laid out on a training panel. For investigations on laminar flow and for turbulent flow, the supply is provided via the Basic Hydraulics Bench directly (or the lab water mains). The water flows through a pipe section; the flow is adjusted using reducing valves. The connection to the required measuring device is made via pressure tapings.