LVDT Transducer Trainer
Wheatstone Bridge Measurement
Basics of Wheatstone Bridge circuit for resistance measurement
Describe the term “null balance”
Calculation of an unknown resistance from the
Bridge values at balance
Factors affecting the resolution and accuracy of measurements
Discuss the reason for the three-wire resistance Circuit
Linear Position or Force Applications
Construction principal and characteristics of a
Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)
Signal Conditioning Amplifier
Characteristics and application of DC amplifiers
The term “Offset” and the need for offset control
Characteristics and application of an AC amplifier
Characteristics and application of a differential amplifier
Oscillators and Filters
Characteristics of a 40KHz oscillator
Characteristics of 40KHz Filter
Characteristics of Full Wave Rectifier
IT-5928 Trainer introduces students to input and output of LVDT transducer signal conditioning circuits and display devices through a wide range of practical activities The study module includes transducers and instrumentation trainer and an operational manual
Category: Automation and Control Technology