Microwave Training System
Experiments Included:
Introduction of a microwave waveguide bench and measurement of source frequency and wavelength
Measurement of Voltage and Standing Wave
Ratio (VSWR)
Measurement of dielectric constant of solid
Material using waveguide method
Measurement of unknown impedance and
impedance matching
Horn Antenna Investigation
Use of a directional coupler in forward and reflected power transmission measurements
Series, Shunt and Hybrid T junctions
Waveguide to coaxial transition
Microwave Radio link Investigations
Category: Telecommunication Technology Products
IT-8000 trainer introduces students to the fundamental principles of microwave communications through a wide range of practical activities. The Computer-Assisted Microwave Training System is a complete, state-of-the-art training program that includes data acquisition and instrumentation. It is designed for hands on training and demonstration of common waveguide configurations. This training system allows the user to investigate the principles of microwave transmission systems such as those used in radar and communications links. IT-8000 uses waveguide components to illustrate the essential elements within this field of study. The microwave devices and components are fabricated from silver plated brass to standard X-band waveguide dimensions.
Stand alone, High Quality Component system
11GHz Synthesized Source
Computer Based control and monitoring
Bench-top operation
Wavelength & Phase Velocity Measurements
Copper tube and Brass flange with silver plating
Safe low power output
USB computer Interface
Comprehensive manuals with theory, step-by-step laboratory exercises
Technical Features:
Gunn Diode Oscillator 9-11GHz
Gun Oscillator Power Supply
Directional Coupler
Slide Screw Trainer
Matched Load
Variable Attenuator
Waveguide Twist
Fix Attenuator 9dB
Horn Antennas (2 pcs)
Hybrid Tee
E Plan Tee
H Plan Tee
PIN Diode
Inductive/Capacitive Irises (2 pcs)
Lens Antennas (3 pcs)
Dielectric Loads
Antenna Azimuth Indicator
Waveguide Support
Power and VSWR Meter
Computer Interface unit
Coaxial Cables with connectors