Relay Control Trainer
Experiments Included:
To operate Relays in Set & Reset Mode
To Set an Individual Relay
To Control ON/OFF Sequences in Ascending Order
To study the Touch sensor Application
To study the Temperature sensor Application
using Heater and DC Fan
To study CW & CCW control of DC Motor
To study the Characteristic of Delay Timer
To Control ON/OFF Sequences in Descending Order
To study the IR Tx/Rx Application
Computers can be used as dedicated controllers for a variety of uses but an interface is needed to connect them to the real world This Trainer controls 8 electro mechanical relays using USB UART interface and Micro controller Each relay is switched on or off by output data (8 bits) sent by PC software The software provides a graphical user interface to control relay operations their control sequences with LED indication and simulations
Category: Automation and Control Technology