Transducer & Instrumentation Trainer
Experiments Included:
Basic Control Systems Equipment and Terms Used
Study the difference between open loop and closed loop systems
Expression for the overall gain of a negative feedback closed loop system
Calculation of overall gain of a negative feedback closed loop system from given information
Basic components of a closed loop system and explain their functions
Meaning of terms associated with control system equipment
Positional Resistance Transducers
Basic construction of rotary and slider variable resistors
State that the resistance section may be either a carbon track or wirewound
Characteristics of output voltage against variable control setting
Comparison of a carbon track variable resistor to the wirewound type
Wheatstone Bridge Measurement
Basics of Wheatstone Bridge circuit for resistance measurement.
Describe the term “null balance”.
Calculation of an unknown resistance from the Bridge values at balance
Factors affecting the resolution and accuracy of measurements
Discuss the reason for the three-wire resistance circuit
Temperature Measurement
Characteristic of an IC temperature sensor
Construction and characteristics of a platinum RTD resistance transducer
Construction and characteristics of an NTC Thermistor
Characteristic of NTC Thermistor bridge circuits
Construction and characteristics of a Thermocouple
Deduce temperatures from a voltage reading across a transducer
Light Sensors
Characteristics of a filament lamp
Construction and characteristics of a photovoltaic cell
Construction and characteristics of a phototransistor
Construction and characteristics of a photoconductive cell
Construction and characteristics of a PIN photodiode
Linear Position or Force Applications
Construction, principal and characteristics of a Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)
Construction and Characteristics of a Linear Variable Capacitor
Construction and Characteristics of a Strain Gauge
Environmental Measurements
Construction and characteristics of an air flow transducer
Construction and characteristics of an pressure transducer
Construction and characteristics of a humidity transducer
Rotational Speed and Position Measurements
Slotted Opto Transducers for Counting and Speed Measurement
Reflective Opto Transducers and Gray Coded Disc for Position Measurement
Inductive Transducers for Speed Measurement
Hall Effect Transducers to Speed and Positional Measurement
Construction, Principles and Application of a Tacho-Generator to Speed Measurement
Sound Measurements
Construction and characteristics of a microphone
Construction and characteristics of an ultrasonic receiver and transmitter
Comparison of various methods of measuring sound signals
Sound Output
Construction and characteristics of a moving coil Speaker
Construction and characteristics of a buzzer
Linear or Rotational Motion
Construction and characteristics of a DC solenoid
Construction and characteristics of a DC relay
Construction and characteristics of a DC solenoid air value
Construction and characteristics of a DC permanent magnet motor
Display Devices
Characteristics and application of the Timer/Counter
Characteristics and application of the LED Bargraph display
Characteristics and application of the Moving Coil Meter
Calculate the requirement to extend the voltage range of a Moving Coil Meter
Selection of a suitable device for a particular voltage measurement
Signal Conditioning Amplifier
Characteristics and application of DC amplifiers
The term “Offset” and the need for offset control
Characteristics and application of an AC amplifier
Characteristics and application of a power amplifier
Characteristics and application of a current amplifier
Characteristics and application of a buffer amplifier
Characteristics and application of an inverter amplifier
Characteristics and application of a differential amplifier
Comparators, Oscillators and Filters
Characteristics of a comparator
Effect of hysteresis on the operation of a comparator
Characteristics of an alarm oscillator
The term “latch” applied to an alarm oscillator
Characteristics of an electronic switch
Characteristics of a 40KHz oscillator
Characteristics of band pass filters
Characteristics of low pass filters
Mathematical Operations using OP AMPS
Characteristics of a summing amplifier
Characteristics of an integrator
Characteristics of a differentiator
Characteristics and application of a “sample and hold” circuit
Control Systems Characteristics
Characteristics of an ON/OFF system
Characteristics of a Proportional system
Characteristics of an Integral system
Characteristics of a Derivative system
Practical system 3-term (or PID) controller
Practical Control Systems
Characteristics of an ON/OFF temperature control system
Characteristics of a light controlled ON-OFF system
Characteristics of a positional control system having:
Proportional + integral
Proportional + derivative
Proportional + integral + derivative control
Characteristics of a speed control system
The IT-5927 Transducers Instrumentation Trainer introduces students to input sensors output actuators signal conditioning circuits and display devices through a wide range of hands-on practical activities This self-contained trainer has all the necessary power supplies light sources and compressed air supplies to carry out the range of hands-on experimental work It is possible to build and test complete closed loop control systems for rotary speed and position making the trainer ideal for use in control engineering teaching The trainer is supplied with a detailed curriculum manual that provides background theory practical activities and student assessment questions The bench-mounted trainer features the following devices and circuits:
Category: Automation and Control Technology